femi bello

student @ ut austin

computer science and mathematics major interested in machine learning

contact me at femi.bello@utexas.edu | github | resume | x

recent blogs

I try to publish a blog per week. read more in my archive

on learning

March 11, 2024


Implementing Elastic Weight Consolidation in Pytorch

blog post | code

Replicated Overcoming catastrophic forgetting in neural networks by Kirkpatrick et al. in pytorch. Investigated using the Fisher Information Matrix for network pruning. Detailed write up in blog post

Epileptic Uncertainiy Framework

blog post | code

Applied Heteroskedastic Regression to Seizure Prediction using a CNN. Acheive parity with comparable CNN model trained using the classical prediction framework. Blog post coming soon.

Deep Learning From Scratch, In Scratch

blog post | code

Created a 1 Layer MLP from scratch in the visual scripting langauge provided by scratch.mit.edu. Implemented backpropagation and a training loop.